MIPS Used:
Lui [Load Upper Immedaite]
Ori [Or Immedaite]
Sw [Store Word]
Jr Ra [Jump Register Return Address]
Registers Used:
t0 [Temperary 0]
t1 [Temperary 1]
Ra [Return Address]
Template and Explination:
Lui t0 $Loads the first half of the real address and stores it in the regitser t0, if the address is negitive (Second half is 7F80 or more) then add one here
Lui t1 $Loads the first half of the hex value and stores it into t1
Ori t1 t1 $Adds the second half of the hex value into the first t1 and stores it into the second t1
Sw t1 $Stores the second half of the real address into t1, the (t0) means that the first half is loeded from that register
Jr Ra jumps the register to the line that the hooks contains